JUST ANNOUNCED Children’s Scholarship Fund has just announced that they will be offering a Pre-K Scholarship for the 2019-2020 school year to a select few schools. St. Cecilia School is one of those chosen, so I am attaching the information regarding this scholarship. You can apply by using this link
https://www.csfphiladelphia.org/scholarships/prek-4-scholarship-opportunity-for-2019-2020-school-year/ This special lottery application period starts March 20, 2019 and concludes on April 12, 2019.
BRIDGE SCHOLARSHIP We have been notified that the Bridge Educational Foundation will be providing some funding for our school for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested in receiving and application please print out the attached form and use the tear off at the bottom to submit your request to the Tuition Office. Volunteer forms for the 2018-2019 school year are being sent home with your child this week and are due in the Tuition Office by the last day of school June 14, 2019.
LETTER OF INTENT TO RETURN If you have not already sent your form back to the main office please print out the attached from and send it to school with you child ASAP. Thank you.
CONTRIBUTIONS and ST. CECILIA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Reminder in order to be eligible for the St. Cecilia parishioner discount all church contributions must be current by the last Sunday in May. St. William parishioners please refer to your Pastors requirements. For more details please see the attached message from the tuition office.
Applications for the 2019-2020 St. Cecilia Memorial Scholarship will be distributed once parishioner status has been verified. If you do not receive an application that is because you are not a St. Cecilia parishioner.