A Christ-Centered Community Committed to Academic Excellence
8:00 AM | Morning Bell |
8:10 AM | Morning Prayers |
Lunch Schedule | Lunchroom | School Yard |
Pre-K | 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM |
Kindergarten | 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | 11:30 AM to 12:00 |
Grades 1 & 2 | 11:30 AM to 11:50 PM | 11:50 to 12:10 PM |
Grades 3 & 4 | 11:50 PM to 12:10 PM | 12:10 to 12:30 PM |
Grades 6 & 7 | 12:15 PM to 12:35 PM | 12:35 to 12:55 PM |
Grades 5 & 8 | 1:05 PM to 1:25 PM | 1:25 to 1:45 PM |
2:45 PM | Afternoon Prayers |
2:50 PM | Dismissal |
1. All Buses
2. Line 4 goes around new building. Students cross Stanwood St. at the corner of Rhawn & Ridgeway with school Crossing Guard or go down Stanwood St.
3. Line 3 and car riders come out side door. Go out the gate and go up Stanwood St. to Crossing Guard at Stanwood & Jeanes Sts. or go to car if parked on school side of Stanwood St.
4. Line 2 cross the schoolyard by the Convent. Go down the steps and turn right toward the Library.
5. Line 1 crosses the schoolyard to Church. Cross in front of the Church with the school Crossing Guard or continue down Rhawn Street.
6. Late bus and bike riders go to the auditorium or bike racks. 8. CARES student line forms outside of Main Office.
Students going to cars across Stanwood St. MUST cross at a corner with the school Crossing Guard and not in the middle of the street.